
Custom Localization Configuration

This section is used to configure localized language information, implemented based on vue-i18n. You can use getI18n to retrieve i18n information. For more information on localization, refer to the Methods and Events.

If you find any issues with the translation files, please refer to Join the Community to provide us with your valuable feedback and suggestions. If you need to add a custom language, feel free to submit an Issue or PR.

Default Configuration

  locale: 'zh-CN',
  translations: {
    en_US: {},
    zh_CN: {},

Configuration Item Description


Description: The default language.

Type: String

Default: zh-CN.

Options: zh-CN, en_US, ru_RU


Description: Custom translation information.

Type: Object

Default: { en_US: {}, zh_CN: {}, ru_RU: {} }.

Options: See Umo Editor Localization Files. The translations you configure will be merged with these default translation messages, which means you can override the default translations by configuring your translations.