
Document Configuration

This section is used to configure the display and behavior of the Umo Editor document area and document name.

Default Configuration

  document: {
    title: 'Untitled Document',
    content: '',
    placeholder: {
      en_US: 'Please enter the document content...',
      zh_CN: '请输入文档内容...',
    enableSpellcheck: true,
    enableMarkdown: true,
    enableBubbleMenu: true,
    enableBlockMenu: true, // Added in v1.3.0
    readOnly: false,
    autofocus: true,
    characterLimit: 0,
    typographyRules: {},
    autoSave: { // Added in v1.4.0
      enabled: true,
      interval: 300000,

Configuration Item Descriptions


Description: The document title, used for the file name when exporting, etc. You can dynamically set or modify the document title using the setDocument.

Type: String

Default Value: Untitled Document


Description: The initial document content, which users can modify. You can dynamically set or modify the document content using the setContent.

Type: String

Default Value: Empty


Description: The placeholder displayed when the document content is empty.

Type: String or Object

Default Value: Please enter the document content...


Description: Whether to enable the browser’s spellcheck feature. When enabled, users can manually turn it off. You can dynamically set whether to enable the browser’s spellcheck feature using the setDocument.

Type: Boolean

Default Value: true


Description: Whether to enable Markdown syntax. When enabled, users can manually turn it off. You can dynamically set whether to enable Markdown syntax using the setDocument.

Type: Boolean

Default Value: true


Description: Whether to display the bubble menu. You can dynamically set whether to display the bubble menu using the setDocument.

Type: Boolean

Default Value: true

document.enableBlockMenu v1.3.0 Added

Description: Whether to display the block menu. You can dynamically set whether to display the block menu using the setDocument.

Type: Boolean

Default Value: true


Description: Whether the document is read-only. If true, users cannot edit the current document. You can set whether the document is read-only using the setReadOnly.

Type: Boolean

Default Value: false


Description: Whether the document automatically receives cursor focus.

Type: Boolean

Default Value: true


Description: The character limit for the document. If 0, there is no limit on the number of characters.

Type: Number

Default Value: 0


Description: Document typography rules.

Type: Object

Default Value: {}

Configuration Items:

NameDescriptionDefault Enabled
emDashConverts double hyphens — to an em dash —.✅ Enabled
ellipsisConverts three dots … to an ellipsis ….✅ Enabled
openDoubleQuote“Smart” left double quotes.✅ Enabled

To disable an item, set it to false. For example:

  document: {
    typographyRules: {
      emDash: false

document.autoSave v1.4.0 Added

Description: Document auto-save configuration. You can dynamically set or modify this configuration using the setDocument.

Type: Object

Configuration Items:

  • enabled: Boolean, whether to enable auto-save, default is true.
  • interval: Number, the interval between auto-saves in milliseconds, default is 300000 (5 minutes).