
Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some common issues encountered when using Umo Editor. If your problem is not listed below, please try to join the community.

I have correctly installed and configured Umo Editor, but it does not display.

Please check the following:

  1. Does the parent element of <umo-editor /> have a height, or is there a style overflow: hidden;
  2. Check if the browser is supported, see Browser Support;
  3. Right-click to inspect the element and check if the DOM node of Umo Editor is loaded;
  4. Check the browser’s Console panel for any error messages;
  5. Verify that the cdnUrl configuration for <umo-editor /> is correct and that the cdnUrl is accessible.
The interface is displayed incorrectly, and some styles are missing?

In order to reduce the size of the Umo Editor core package and improve loading speed, Umo Editor uses a CDN to introduce some static resources through configuration, which include third-party modules, images, icon resources, etc.

Since Umo Editor uses Unpkg as the default CDN, but Unpkg may be slow or inaccessible in some regions, you can modify the CDN through CDN Configuration - Using Local Resources to improve loading speed.

npm installation error提示Error 404?